China suppliers announces the second new titanium dioxide price increasing $150/ton since 1th,March,2023.This is the second price increase of titanium dioxide enterprises in the year. Industry insiders said that in 2023, the overall economic environment trend will warm up, and the demand for titanium dioxide downstream is expected to hit the bottom and rise, and the industry may gradually recover. In 2025, the global consumption of titanium dioxide may reach 8.9 million tons.
September 6, 2017The production of titanium-zirconium concentrate has been launched in North Kazakhstan province, governor of North Kazakhstan province Samat Eskendirov said on Dec.6 at a briefing in Central Communica...view
July 26, 2022From January to June 2022, China's titaniumdioxide output was 2.0691 million tons, an increase of 8% over the same periodlast year, and the output increased by about 157,500 tons. In the first half of...view
March 1, 2023China suppliers announces the second new titanium dioxide price increasing $150/ton since 1th,March,2023.This is the second price increase of titanium dioxide enterprises in the year. Industry insider...view
May 14, 2024In April 2024, China's titanium dioxideproduction of 408,300 tons, down 2.56% from the previous year, an increase of17.98%, in 2024 from January to April, the cumulative titanium dioxideproduction of ...view
January 3, 2020China tio2 suppliers make anew price increasing $150/ton for chlorination tio2 since 2th,January due toraw materials going up crazily and short stock in the market.view