China suppliers announces a new titanium dioxide price increasing $50-$80 in the September,2019.This is the second time China tio2 suppliers adjust price in one month.It's estimated that the trends will keep strong in the coming month.
September 6, 2017In the year under review, domestic sales of titanium dioxide remained mostly unchanged from the previous year, buoyed by firm internal demand. However, overseas sales declined in both volume and value...view
October 31, 2023At the "Belt and Road" Entrepreneurs Conference of the 3rd "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum held in Beijing on October 17, Donghua Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary ...view
September 6, 2017According to market news, subject to strict environmental inspection, Today, Panzhihua vanadium and titanium industry park titanium manufacturers all stop production, some manufacturers said the recov...view
September 6, 2017"According to statistics of CCM, in May 2014, exports of China’s TiO2 manufacturers recorded high. However, affected by the downturn of downstream market, imports remained weak. In July, the domestic...view
May 13, 2020According to the data given by Chinese customs, in January 2020, China’s titanium dioxide imports hit 9,200 tonnes, a decrease of 26.18% compared to one year prior, and a decrease of 46.57% compared ...view