China suppliers announces a new titanium dioxide price increasing $50-$80 in the September,2019.This is the second time China tio2 suppliers adjust price in one month.It's estimated that the trends will keep strong in the coming month.
February 18, 2020China tio2 suppliers have to make a new price increasing $100/ton for tio2 since 10th,February,2020 during NCP period due to raw materials titanium concentrate going up crazily and its shortage in th...view
September 6, 2017World Titanium Resources (ASX: WTR) has streamlined its board of directors to meet the challenges presented by the next stage of its Ranobe mineral sands project in Madagascar. Chairman Wayne Malouf a...view
September 6, 2017PPG Industries' industrial coatings business has introduced POWERCRON EPIC electrocoats (e-coats), a line of next-generation, cationic-epoxy products that will be used for the first time in North America ...view
February 21, 2024At present, the supply of titanium dioxidein China local market is generally very tight, in short supply. Since February 20, 2024, a new round of titanium dioxide priceincreases has began, most China...view