Hangzhou Harmony Chemical Co.,Ltd
sustainable development
Titanium dioxide production data for November 2019

In November 2019, China's Titanium Dioxide Production 267,700 Tons, a decrease of 2.52% month-on-month and an increase of 6.94%. In January-November 2019, the incremental output was 2.858 million tons, an increase of about 140,000 tons compared to the same period last year, an increase of 5.27%.


In November, the overall output of titanium dioxide declined, mainly due to the poor market demand. At the end of the year, corporate maintenance and individual companies were affected by environmental protection.


In November, the price of titanium dioxide fell sharply, and the company destocked more. In addition, the company's inventory fell slightly in November. The overall pressure on the company's inventory was not great. The cost of raw materials was high, and downstream demand was weak. It is expected that the titanium dioxide will run smoothly in December.

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