April 13, 2021China's titanium dioxide has started a new round of price increasing $150/ton since April 10th,2021 due to titanium concentrate price going up.view
September 6, 2017In the year under review, domestic sales of titanium dioxide remained mostly unchanged from the previous year, buoyed by firm internal demand. However, overseas sales declined in both volume and value...view
September 6, 2017Tronox Limited announced a definitive agreement to acquire the TiO2 business of Cristal, a privately held global chemical and mining company, for $1.673 billion of cash and Class A ordinary shares rep...view
March 13, 2024The commercial environment in our industrysince Q2 2022 has been challenging andthe industry is running at margins thatare unsustainable. In order to support ourcontinued reinvestment in ourvertical i...view