China titanium dioxide import and export data in November
In November 2023, China's titanium dioxide imports were 9262.96 tons, an increase of 18.72% compared with the same period last year, an increase of 63.18%; From January to November 2023, China's titanium dioxide imports totaled about 73,300 tons, 36.90% less than last year, and the import volume decreased by about 42,900 tons. The top three regions for titanium dioxide imports in November 2023 are: Mexico, the United States and Germany; They accounted for 45%, 14% and 12% of total imports respectively. In November 2023, China's titanium dioxide exports of 124,900 tons, an increase of 5.10% compared with the previous year, an increase of 16.54%; From January to November 2023, the cumulative export of titanium dioxide was about 1.4983 million tons, an increase of 17.14% over the same period last year, and the export volume increased by about 219,200 tons. The top three countries for titanium dioxide exports in November were: India, Brazil and South Korea; They account for 16%, 7% and 5% of total exports respectively.
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