China suppliers announces a new titanium dioxide price increasing $50-$80 in the August,2019.As raw materials going up and environmental cost increasing,it's estimated that the trends starts to get strong soon.
October 15, 2019Affectedby upstream supply shortages and rising rutile and ilmenite prices, titaniumdioxide prices in the third quarter of North America showed a slight increase.As the price of titanium dioxide produ...view
September 6, 2017Huntsman (Huntsman) announced plans to close in the third quarter of in France, Calai titanium dioxide manufacturing facilities white end processing and packaging operations.The announcement of the pl...view
August 12, 2020After price increasing $80/ton in July,China suppliers announces a new titanium dioxide price increasing $80 again in the August,2020. Due to raw materials going up ,it's estimated that the market tre...view
September 6, 2017Mainstream titanium ore prices steady. Low-cost resources currently on the market has basically disappeared, 46.5% in Panxi 10 mines have no less than 600 yuan / ton offer small plant resources concen...view
March 13, 2024The commercial environment in our industrysince Q2 2022 has been challenging andthe industry is running at margins thatare unsustainable. In order to support ourcontinued reinvestment in ourvertical i...view
June 9, 2020ISHIHARA SANGYO KAISHA, LTD. and its affiliates have announced aprice increase of TIPAQUETM titanium dioxide (TiO2) by US$200 permetric ton in the Asia-Pacific region effective as from July 1, 2020.view