China tio2 suppliers have to make a new price increasing $100/ton for tio2 since 10th,February,2020 during NCP period due to raw materials titanium concentrate going up crazily and its shortage in the market.
September 9, 2024Domestic sulfuricacid market priceDomestic sulfuric acid prices today are mixed. As ofnow, the ex-factory price of 98% smelting acid in Yunnan is 420-510 yuan/ton,and the ex-factory price of 98% smelt...view
March 12, 2019Due to trade war trends between China and USA getting easing now,people are optimistic about economic in the new Year 2019. China titanium dioxide suppliers make a new price increasing $80-$100/ton i...view
May 14, 2019From May 10th, the United States increasedthe tariff rate on the $200 billion list of goods imported from China from 10%to 25%. The Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council decided on May 13that...view
September 6, 2017Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LLC announced Oct. 31 that it had sold a polystyrene manufacturing plant in China to Grand Astor Ltd.Chevron Phillips said the PS resin plant, in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu pr...view
October 27, 2023In September 2023, the import volume of titanium dioxide in China was 6777.04 tons, a decrease of 26.41% month on month and a year-on-year increase of 74.95%; From January to September 2023, the cumul...view
May 28, 2024According to China customs statistics, in April 2024 titanium dioxide imports of 6771.35 tons, an increase of 22.15%, a decrease of 35.29% from the previous month, of which chlorinated titanium dioxid...view