China tio2 suppliers have to make a new price increasing $100/ton for tio2 since 10th,February,2020 during NCP period due to raw materials titanium concentrate going up crazily and its shortage in the market.
September 20, 2024In August 2024, the output of titaniumdioxide sample device in China was 370,200 tons, which was +4.31%month-on-month and +4.81% year-on-year. This month's capacity utilization ratewas 75.86%, an incr...view
September 7, 2020After price increasing $80/ton in August,China suppliers announces a new titanium dioxide price increasing $80-$100/ton in the September,2020 due to raw materials keeping going up ,it's estimated that...view
June 12, 2024The titanium dioxide(TiO2) industry is witnessing remarkable advancements and substantial marketgrowth, driven by innovative product developments and a heightened focus onsustainability. Industry lead...view
September 6, 2017A important tio2 factory in China Northwest stop production due to mudslides hit and the factory will have to be shut down at least two months.It's estimated that the titanium dioxide price in China ...view
September 6, 2017Huntsman Corporation (NYSE: HUN) and Rockwood Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ROC) today announced completion of an important milestone in Huntsman’s pending acquisition of Rockwood’s Performance Additives a...view
September 6, 2017China titanium dioxide products will celebrate the rising sun Low excess capacity, high-capacity became insufficient supply of the pattern of development of China's titanium dioxide industry at prese...view