China suppliers announces a new titanium dioxide price increasing $100/ton since 13th,August,2021,this is the ninth time China tio2 suppliers adjusting price up.
October 27, 2023In September 2023, the import volume of titanium dioxide in China was 6777.04 tons, a decrease of 26.41% month on month and a year-on-year increase of 74.95%; From January to September 2023, the cumul...view
January 8, 2025On December 13, The Chemours Company announced that PCC Group plans to build and operate a new chlor-alkali facility at its titanium dioxide (TiO2) plant in Delaire, Mississippi, USA. At the same time...view
September 6, 2017Date: Nov 12, 2013Venue: King Wing hotel, Beijing ChinaOrganized by: CHINA NATIONAL COATINGS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION(CNCIA)Sponsored by: Titanium Dioxide Branch of CNCIAThemes:(i) to understand and inter...view
April 2, 2024In January 2024, China's titanium dioxideexports of 159,700 tons, an increase of 11.47% compared with the previous year,an increase of 21.38%. Among them, 133,100 tons of sulfuric acid titaniumdioxide...view
September 10, 2018Due to the raw material price of titanium dioxide still keep in rising, and China government pressure on environmental protection all the time. China titanium dioxide suppliers make a new price incre...view
April 8, 2019According to thestatistics provided by the General Administration of Customs, in February 2019,China imported 8,404.44 tons of titanium dioxide, decreased by 2.81% comparedwith last year and decreased...view